Sunday, June 14, 2009

Decoding Fruit Labels

The other day I was in the kitchen and listening to the TV in the background when I heard something about fruit labels. The only thing that I knew about fruit labels was that they were annoying. Being a bit obsessive compulsive, I find myself peeling the labels of each piece of fruit/vegetable that comes into my home before I put it away. I digress, what I heard on the TV was that each fruit label tells you about the item you have purchased and are planning to eat. Here is how it works; the first number on the label tells you how the fruit has been grown. Fruits are divided into three classes, conventionally grown, genetically engineered and organically grown.

  • 4 as the first number on the fruit label means the fruit has been conventionally grown (using chemicals and pesticides)
  • 8 as the first number on the fruit label means the fruit was genetically engineered
  • 9 as the first number on the fruit label means the fruit is organically grown (grown to the standards defined by the National Organic Standards Board

I decided to dig a little deeper. Did you know that 7 out of every 10 items in the grocery store contain ingredients that have been genetically modified? What this means is that scientists are using technology to transfer genes of one species to another. Mutation breeding using chemicals or radiation agents to mutate fruit DNA has been used since the late 1920’s and genetically modified fruits have been bred, produced and consumed for more than 10 years.

Now I am no expert, but I am concerned about the types of foods that I consume so I have made the choice to buy organic whenever possible. Do your own digging and let me know what you find.

Here are some websites/articles you might find interesting:
The International Federation for Produce Standards:

Top Five Ways to Avoid GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) in Your Food:

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep posting stuff like this i really like it